Getting Started Playing MarketGlory


For the initial time playing ( first day ) did fight as much as 10x and then do work.

A. Fight

Fight is the main income for the new players, in one day can do 10 times a fight with a time delay per fightnya for 10 minutes. Reset at 00:00 server time, which means if we are in Indonesia, then reset at 04.00 pm ( 4 hours ahead ).

1. In the top menu select select Referrral Fights Fight continues. 

2. After that select the fighter who wants to be confronted is the trainer. ( You Fought 2 times of 10 possible fight fights is the amount that has been done and the limits that can be done to fight that fight 10 times ). Then select Attack. 

3. It will appear comparison Total Attack as shown above. Then select Attack now to attack. ( If the total attack is more than or equal to the total defense then certainly always win ).

4. After the timer will appear at the top where it is the time required to complete the fight.
5. After the time runs out you will be transferred to the page

For the calculation of S obtained from winning the fight:

On the home Fight Bonuses are set by the state, in this case the bonus fight as much as 8 IDR. So the formula for S is obtained:
S = Energy gained / 100 * Bonus Fight

Eg Energy now is 1:00, then:
S yand obtained = 1/100 * 8 = > 0.08 IDR

B. Work

Daily income and enough influence on market growth GBP glory both for new players or old players. Work can only be done 1x24 hours, which means if you are working on at 15:00 pm, it can work again the next day at 15:00 pm again.

1. In the top menu select Work continues to select Workplaces.

2. After that select the work available by selecting " WORK NOW ".

3. After the timer will appear at the top where it is the time required to complete the work.

4. After the time runs out you will be transferred to the page

For the calculation of S obtained from the work influenced by productivity points obtained from:

For the calculation of S obtained from the work:

In the picture above the written Wage = 177.52 IDR. This means that the newspaper companies gave a salary of 177.52 IDR. To find out how CAD obtained can be searched by the following formula:
CAD gained = Productivity Point / 1000 * Wage

Suppose Productivity Point now is 1:00, then:
S yand obtained = 1/1000 * 175.84 = > 0.17 IDR

If you worked for 3 days in a row without ditching work you will get a bonus. On the home there is a Work Bonus set by the state, in this case the bonus work as much as 500 IDR. So the formula for S is obtained:
CAD gained = Productivity Point / 1000 * Work Bonus

Suppose Productivity Point now is 1:00, then:
CAD gained = 1/1000 * 500 = > 0.50 IDR

Each time doing work experience will increase by 0.7 points. But it can grow more and more each have active referrals with the following conditions :
Referral to 0 active = 0.7 points each time work.
Referral to 1 active = 1.0 points each time work.
Referral for Active 2 = 1.5 points each time work.
Referral to 3 active = 2.0 points each time work.
Referral to 4 active = 2.5 points each time work.
For 5 or more Referral active = 3.0 points each time work.


For the second day of this strategy is not recommended if the state gives the fight a little bit because the bonus will be greater than the expense to buy a newspaper revenue generated from the fight. To be counted in the calculation SIMULATOR

For the second day began with buying a newspaper with CAD that you have because energy affects the INR obtained from a fight on the first day already contained the formula for calculating the income of which is influenced by the Energy fight. To buy a home located on the paper scroll to the bottom there are many articles that can be purchased, for example as shown below, look at the price of 0.07 IDR newspaper.

Buy a paper with all the money you have (maximum of 10 papers). Why only 10 newspapers? Because the daily maximum of only 10 newspapers are adding energy, NEWSPAPER TO-11 NOT IMPROVE ENERGY. After buying a newspaper, do step on the first day which is 10 times the fight and work.


For three days this strategy is not recommended if the state gives the fight a little bit because the bonus will be greater than the expenditure for buying newspaper revenue generated from the fight. To be counted in the calculation SIMULATOR.

For the third day and so do the same thing, namely to buy a newspaper and fight 10 times the work. If having more CAD can buy milk to increase revenue from the fight that can be purchased at select Dairy Local Market and there are 3 types of milk:

Low quality: 1 Energy point.
Normal quality: 3 points Energy.
High quality: 5 points Energy.

1. In the top menu select Markets continue to select the Local Market.

2. Then select Dairy, then choose quality milk to buy. Milk will increase the energy consumed directly and can only be consumed milk 1x24 hours, which means that if you consume milk at 15:00 pm the next day to consume longer again at 15:00 pm.

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